Disclaimers: Don’t Own, Don’t Sue, Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

Warnings: Angst, POV, Language, OOC/AU?
Pairings: None

This is a sequel to 'Crimson'

by d_huron

Winds howl outside the hospital room, looking out the large window I see a sight from a nightmare; everything is so dark, the cries of the wind sounds of angry souls seeking their retribution. Cold…it is so cold

I shiver…pulling the blankets up higher yet they offer little warmth. What is this feeling, the growing fear within the depths of my heart, freezing it from its frigid grip…?

Ice…hands and feet feel like ice, I shiver again the feeling intensifying ten fold.

Something….is going to happen…but what…?

I can feel it around, completely surround me.

Is someone trying to tell me something……?

The door opens, and he walks back in…going straight to his chair and sitting, not one word. This for once, doesn’t bother me, for I’m too confused to bother trying with him.

It’s getting stronger….almost like it is beating within my heart and mind….enclosing itself in mystery yet allowing me to know it is there…

I feel his heavy gaze on me, yet can’t turn my eyes away from my hands…they’re shaking…trembling yet so cold…

My body is shaking…teeth chattering….so cold……

The bed dips as his weight is added, and I feel his hands on mine, tying to cease their trembling…

His voice….he is talking but I can’t hear him clearly…words are muffled…it is growing stronger and louder…..

Hands…on my shoulders…shaking me…..what is happening….what is going to happen…..



My vision blackens…..and I feel a needle leaving my skin……Sleepy….

“Help me…”

What is this ominous feeling…..?



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